Creating brand worlds for an inspiring mobile provider
I had the fortune to lead the Orange team for over 6 years. We were involved with pretty much everything - from brand strategy and communications down to store experiences and events. We developed entire brand worlds - from a village in Greenland to a Brooklyn barbershop - filled with indelible characters and magical stories. The work we did helped make them one of the most popular and successful brands in Switzerland, won numerous international awards and led to several pan-European assignments through the global group in London.
Orange places
We also did numerous tactical campaigns. This one was to address a pesky negative perception about their geographic coverage. The solution? Tell stories about all the wonderful places where Orange is the only network available.
GPS discs (Google Maps wasn't a thing yet) pre-loaded with directions to all these places were sent to customers, encouraging them to take their own pictures and send them to friends (Picture Messaging was a new thing).